Thursday, April 21, 2011

Book Review : "In Christofides' Keeping" by Abby Green

I finished this book in a night!   I just could not physically pull it away from my eyes.  Abby claimed my attention straight away, the most important chapter in the book is the first one, and by gosh Abby you achieved that greatly, I was yearning to know more.

I had to know why Rico Christofides’ kept thinking about this one-night stand from two years ago, Gypsy.  He had the most beautiful women willing, begging to do anything he wished at a drop of a hat, but he was not interested.  Rico still thought about the girl that turned him down at the nightclub.  It was the first time this handsome, tall, broad shouldered, Rich Greek Businessman struck out.  

One thing leads to another and they end up having a night of passion.  Abby Green was able to express her words in a way that, Gypsy was not, the only girl to fall in love with Rico, the reader does as well.  Experiencing the aching desire to see the man of her dreams again, tormented by looking into the eyes of their beautiful surprise Lola, a spitting image of her father.  Gypsy wanted Lola to have a normal loving upbringing, raising a 15 month old, by herself, holding out on Rico until the time was right. Gypsy may be living in an unfashionable neighbourhood and her clothes are second hand but they were happy and Gypsy wanted to keep it that way.

Not so, Gypsy fights the sexual tension as Rico tracks her down. The intensity of emotions from Gypsy and Rico carried through out the book.  I do not want to spoil the story, so I will not go into details.  Abby was able to tick all the good things you want in a romance novel.  She accomplished this by having the hills-and-valleys approach to the conflict and the moments of rapport between Rico and Gypsy. They have a love hate relationship where Rico wants full control, something that Gypsy is not willing to give up to easily. 

I loved it how Abby wrote the story from different viewpoints, love it!  These viewpoints switch between the characters gliding with ease, allowing the characters to reveal themselves.  The mood Abby created was at a good pace and you can clearly see how Rico and Gypsy change throughout the book from the first moments they desired one another.

I recommend this book and I will definitely be sharing Abby’s work to others. Now I am off to read this book again, so I can analyse Rico and Gypsy’s hot love desire once more. 

41/2 stars

Jennifer Stevenson Books available at Book View Cafe

Just letting you all know that Jennifer Stevenson's Books (which I have reviewed) are available for only $2.99.
How good it that.  So stay at home, make your own cup of coffee and save the money buying one and buy a book instead for the Easter weekend.  So go and check her out, she has an interview to read as well. 

 If you want a funny quirky romance I think the stagehands books are for you.  I laughed so much from 'Fools Paradise' and 'King of Heart', good uplifting books, with some um steamy scenes. 

Then you have the Incubus Randy involving three books 'The Brass Bed', 'The Velvet Chair' and my all time favourite of the three 'The Bearskin Rug', stories that  are spicy, and you need to be 18 to read it, sort of books. OH baby.  No I should be saying 'Oh Randy.'  Start with The Brass Bed as it's an important book on how Randy and Jewel meet, yum.  I think I need to read them again this weekend.  Go Randy and Jewel.

Gosh get all three, don't buy yourself an Easter Egg buy the three ebooks.  You can't get a nice Easter Egg for under $10,and this is better for you. A good laugh and more. ummm Gee the Easter Bunny left you books on your ereader/ipad or computer  instead. I like that Easter Bunny, I hope he does the same with me this weekend.  So check it out.
Book View Cafe - Because you can never have too many ebooks, Immortal, by Pati Nagle - A New BVC eBook, The Exile Waiting, by Vonda N. McIntyre., Book View Cafe daily special from founding member Jennifer Stevenson.
Have a great Easter Everyone.  Go on hop to it.
While you are at Bookview check out the other authors which are awesome. Just dropping names like Patricia Rice, Deborah J Ross, Chris Dolley, Madeleine Robins, Nancy Jane Moore, Brenda W. Clough, Chaz Brenchley, Katharine Eliska Kimbriel, Jay Caselberg, Laura Anne Gilman.
 The ebooks are such a good price, you could grab one for every day over the long weekend.

If you want paperbacks of the incubus series Angus and Robertson have them available online only and in Australia only.  

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Book Review- In Christofides Keeping by Abby Green

Hi  Everyone,

I read 'In Christofides Keeping' tonight, written by Abby Green and I ploughed through it.  Abby's writing was so easy to read and flows really well, allowing me to devour it in a night. I will be writing a review for this tomorrow. After uploading it to librarything it will be available through the widget.  The bright Pink sections of books I have reviewed.

I would just like to thank Abby for sending this book all the way from Ireland.  I will be searching for more of your mills and boon books at the bookstores for sure and spreading the word of your desire.  It was a modern desire for sure.

I will keep you posted.  Ha Ha I know.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thank you Everyone and Welcome

Thank you to everyone for bearing with me, while I have been upgrading the Blogspot.  I am new at it, so if something doesn't look right, I am trying to fix it. It may just take a while with school holidays and all.  Having three kids at home isn't leaving much time for reading.

Shame I know, but now that this blog is ok, up and running.  I will be doing more in the future with the reviews and I will try very hard to get that Author on the blog site for an interview.   No promises of course, but I try and pull strings here and there.    

I better get reading, as I have several books to review.  (See the list below)  If you have any ideas, I am sure you will let me know.

Sorry for all the changes.
Thank you again guys
Keep smiling

Monday, April 18, 2011

My First Follower

Thanks to another Reviewer Kiki, who has inspired me to finally get my blog up and going.  My first follower. Thanks Kiki.  But don't expect much on it for a while with School holidays.