Monday, April 18, 2011

My First Follower

Thanks to another Reviewer Kiki, who has inspired me to finally get my blog up and going.  My first follower. Thanks Kiki.  But don't expect much on it for a while with School holidays.


  1. wow i'll follow you keep it up, it is so much fun :)

  2. thanks paula, trying to add stuff tonight.

  3. *blushes* Thanks for the mention Sweet. Your blog is gonna be great!! Plus, you'll get addicted - just wait and see. lmao!!

  4. Thanks Madame D,
    I am getting there, no doubt it will change constantly. I know who to come to if i need any hot winter men

  5. hey im here to follow you, ya might get sick of seeing me lol...

  6. I'm here. I keep getting a message from the page saying,"You can only have one of the same widget on a page" or something like that. I don't even kow what widgets are!

  7. thats because i am adding a widget at the same time, sorry. still updating

  8. Nice place you have here, Mel. I think I'll pull up a cozy chair and read a spell.

  9. Thanks Deborah, glad you feel like you can stay, I may need to add more chairs. We can only hope.
